

  • Historic paddle steamers still working

    Historic paddle steamers still working

    Chris Graham on 27th January 2023

    Paul Brown takes his camera to beautiful Lake Lucern in Switzerland, to record the historic paddle steamers still working regularly there.

  • Living Museum of the North steam gala

    Living Museum of the North steam gala

    Chris Graham on 17th August 2022

    David Reed visited Beamish, The Living Museum of the North during its Steam Gala earlier this year, and reports on a fantastic event.

  • Garratt steams at Vale of Rheidol

    Garratt steams at Vale of Rheidol

    Chris Graham on 8th January 2022

    Ex-South African Railway's Garratt steams at Vale of Rheidol railway in preparation for the 2022 passenger train season.

  • Fowler showman’s engine Bertha

    Fowler showman’s engine Bertha

    Chris Graham on 8th December 2021

    Fowler showman’s engine Bertha makes its first public appearance in Switzerland with new owner, Martin Horath.v

  • Exotic eight-leggers!

    Exotic eight-leggers!

    Chris Graham on 2nd August 2021

    Bob Tuck looks at some of the most exotic eight-leggers you’re ever likely to see, spot-lighting some incredible loadbed vehicles.

  • Historic rollers in Germany

    Historic rollers in Germany

    Chris Graham on 10th July 2021

    The archivist to the DampfwalzenClub Schweiz, DWCS, Ernst Huwyler, spotlights more of the historic rollers in Germany.

  • Classic vehicles galore!

    Classic vehicles galore!

    Chris Graham on 10th June 2021

    We dip into Nina Smith’s postcard collection once again, and offer you a another trip down memory lane, with classic vehicles galore!

  • Wallis & Steevens steam roller

    Wallis & Steevens steam roller

    Chris Graham on 12th May 2021

    Recent research reveals more about a Wallis & Steevens steam roller that was spotted working in Switzerland during the late 1960s. 

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