

  • 1905 Allchin 8hp engine, Lena

    1905 Allchin 8hp engine, Lena

    Chris Graham on 3rd December 2021

    Peter Love meets Fred and Steve Jenkinson, and their just-back-in-steam 1905 Allchin 8hp engine, Lena, in County Carlow.

  • 1915 Wallis & Steevens engine reappears

    1915 Wallis & Steevens engine reappears

    Chris Graham on 5th October 2021

    The reappearance of a 1915 Wallis & Steevens engine was a highlight of Ian Langley’s recent, invitation-only event, as Colin Tyson reports.

  • 1928 Aveling & Porter roller

    1928 Aveling & Porter roller

    Chris Graham on 31st May 2021

    Paul Ritchie tells the tale of first-time engine owner Steve Vaughan, acquired and restored his 1928 Aveling & Porter roller.

  • Burrell Special Scenic No.1

    Burrell Special Scenic No.1

    Chris Graham on 19th May 2021

    Bob Moorman charts the life of one of the most recognisable, 100-year-old showman’s engines around, Burrell Special Scenic No.1.

  • Atlantic locomotive new-build update

    Atlantic locomotive new-build update

    Chris Graham on 2nd April 2021

    Recent lockdowns have upset progress with the Brighton Atlantic locomotive new-build, but the steam engine project is still moving forwards.

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