

  • 1940s steam tug nears end of the line

    1940s steam tug nears end of the line

    Chris Graham on 17th November 2022

    A classic, ocean-going 1940s steam tug Cervia looks to be heading for the end of the line as John Megoran reports.

  • Kiel Canal classic from the 1970s

    Kiel Canal classic from the 1970s

    Chris Graham on 29th September 2022

    Here’s a selection of photographs taken by the late Gordon Turner, of classic cargo ships in the, described by Jim Shaw. Kiel Canal: Carrying the profile of a tanker, the 10,898dwt cargo ship Chopin was built in 1959 by Yugoslavia’s…

  • 1952 Fordson Thames E494C restored

    1952 Fordson Thames E494C restored

    Chris Graham on 30th May 2022

    Mike Neale reports on a 1952 Fordson Thames E494C 5cwt van that was bought by Neil Bannister at the second attempt, then uniquely restored.

  • London’s first party boat!

    London’s first party boat!

    Chris Graham on 30th October 2021

    Richard Clammer recalls the unusual history of an 1879 paddle steamer that became London’s first party boat!

  • 1912 Steam tug Kerne nearly ready

    1912 Steam tug Kerne nearly ready

    Chris Graham on 1st December 2020

    The Merseyside-based steam tug Kerne, built as a Thames lighterage-type vessel in 1912, will be back in action soon, Paul Kirkbride reports.

  • Ford Thames 400E Dormobile Camper

    Ford Thames 400E Dormobile Camper

    Chris Graham on 16th January 2020

    Ford Thames 400E Dormobile and its proud owner/restorer. The current colour scheme is a reversal of the red with white stripe it was bought with, but is a ‘genuine’ Dormobile scheme and, we think, it looks a lot better for…

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