
Bedford TK

  • This Bedford KM looks as good as new!

    This Bedford KM looks as good as new!

    Chris Graham on 17th July 2024

    The Bedford KM represented a move into the big league, changing the company's persona and, for a while at least, its fortunes, says Ian Shaw.

  • Sprat & Winkle Run 2023

    Sprat & Winkle Run 2023

    Chris Graham on 13th December 2023

    Patrick Boniface reports on this year's Sprat & Winkle Run, as the vintage and commercial vehicles arrive in sunny Hastings for the finish.

  • Ford’s Thames Trader; a personal tale

    Ford’s Thames Trader; a personal tale

    Chris Graham on 2nd October 2023

    Alan Dale takes a personal look back at the Thames Trader, which enabled Ford to take the fight to Bedford and Commer in the 1950s.

  • Superb 1939 ex-army Scammell Pioneer

    Superb 1939 ex-army Scammell Pioneer

    Chris Graham on 22nd March 2023

    Peter Simpson meets Edward and Annie Prentice and their 1939 ex-army Scammell Pioneer which has been restored over the past two years.

  • Miniature Bedford TKs

    Miniature Bedford TKs

    Chris Graham on 7th June 2022

    Mike Neale spotlights some miniature Bedford TKs made for adult collectors, assessing both the quality and range of models available.

  • 1970 Bedford KM

    1970 Bedford KM

    Chris Graham on 3rd June 2022

    Simon Sleep’s 1970 Bedford KM has been attending shows for many years, yet still replicates a cared-for working tipper. says Peter Simpson.

  • Working with a 1928 Wallis & Steevens

    Working with a 1928 Wallis & Steevens

    Chris Graham on 22nd March 2022

    Peter Love recounts some fond memories of a busy and very tiring day spent working with a 1928 Wallis & Steevens, back in 1980.

  • 1952 Bedford ‘O’ Series

    1952 Bedford ‘O’ Series

    Chris Graham on 10th February 2022

    The latest addition to Drew Laburn's classic commercial vehicle collection is a 1952 Bedford ‘O’ Series, as Bob Weir explains.

  • 1951 Albion Chieftain FT37N restored

    1951 Albion Chieftain FT37N restored

    Chris Graham on 11th January 2022

    Bill Barton completed the superb restoration of his 1951 Albion Chieftain FT37N during lockdown. David Reed went along to find out more.

  • 1970s Leyland Clydesdale tipper

    1970s Leyland Clydesdale tipper

    Chris Graham on 20th December 2021

    The 1970s Leyland Clydesdale tipper was one of the last, British-built workhorses of that era. Bob Weir enjoys Allan Steel's superb example.

  • 90th anniversary Bedford celebration

    90th anniversary Bedford celebration

    Chris Graham on 5th December 2021

    A three-day 90th anniversary Bedford celebration attracted 93 examples of the marque. Nick Larkin reports from a fine event.

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