
Plant & Machinery

  • Rare Newman WD2 trike restoration

    Rare Newman WD2 trike restoration

    Chris Graham on 15th May 2021

    Restoring this rare Newman WD2 trike wasn’t easy for Derek Hiscock, but was certainly well worth all the effort, as Peter Henshaw discovers.

  • Classic cranes in New Zealand

    Classic cranes in New Zealand

    Chris Graham on 13th May 2021

    Phil Barnes found three classic cranes in New Zealand, while visiting the Ferrymead Heritage Park, in Christchurch.

  • Wallis & Steevens steam roller

    Wallis & Steevens steam roller

    Chris Graham on 12th May 2021

    Recent research reveals more about a Wallis & Steevens steam roller that was spotted working in Switzerland during the late 1960s. 

  • Scottish industrial museums in danger!

    Scottish industrial museums in danger!

    Chris Graham on 11th May 2021

    Hugh Dougherty reports on the perilous situation facing many of the industrial museums in Scotland, following the pandemic's dreadful impact.

  • 1926 Petter-Reavell compressor unit

    1926 Petter-Reavell compressor unit

    Chris Graham on 8th May 2021

    Patrick Knight provides a little history relating to a 1926 Petter-Reavell compressor unit that’s now in New Zealand.

  • Ruston steam shovels

    Ruston steam shovels

    Chris Graham on 3rd May 2021

    Keith Haddock continues his A-to-Z of steam shovels with a fascinating look at the extensive range of Lincoln-built Ruston steam shovels.

  • Amazing agricultural images!

    Amazing agricultural images!

    Chris Graham on 1st May 2021

    Peter Loves shares some amazing agricultural images from the AJ Ward & Co archive, provided by the Sussex Steam Engine Club's Steve McIntosh.

  • Land Rover-based fire appliances

    Land Rover-based fire appliances

    Chris Graham on 27th April 2021

    Ron Henderson tells the story of some very interesting but comparatively rare Land Rover-based fire appliances.

  • The adaptable Allen Scythe

    The adaptable Allen Scythe

    Chris Graham on 23rd April 2021

    Do you know everything about the adaptable Allen Scythe? Well, Geoff Ravenhall reveals some of the diverse uses to which it could be adapted.

  • The Caterpillar D8 crawler

    The Caterpillar D8 crawler

    Chris Graham on 19th April 2021

    Peter Love looks back at the history and development of a classic, earth-moving heavy-hitter, the Caterpillar D8 crawler.

  • Skogar Folk Museum visit

    Skogar Folk Museum visit

    Chris Graham on 18th April 2021

    Mal Jordan reports on a very enjoyable visit to the Skogar Folk Museum in Iceland, where he discovered some unusual and interesting exhibits.

  • Rare Coventry Victor petrol engines

    Rare Coventry Victor petrol engines

    Chris Graham on 9th April 2021

    Phillip Scott, from Western Australia, requests help concerning two, recently-acquired Coventry Victor petrol engines.

  • Wheels of Industry 4

    Wheels of Industry 4

    Chris Graham on 7th April 2021

    New from Kelsey Publishing is Wheels of Industry 4; the final instalment in this fascinating and popular industrial heritage bookazine series.

  • 1976 Scammell Crusader

    1976 Scammell Crusader

    Chris Graham on 30th March 2021

    Joseph Lewis finds himself mightily impressed by George Thompson’s classic, 1976 Scammell Crusader recovery truck.

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